Renaissance House serves developmentally disabled individuals living in several settings. Company owned residences are licensed by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities. Other homes are leased by the individuals being served.
Group homes accommodate three or four persons each. We make every effort to create a true home for each person. Anyone living in a group home has his or her own bedroom. Group homes are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assure proper supervision and support to its residents. Staff members work with each client to establish a realistic daily routine of work and community-based programming to promote independence, maintain self-worth, and learn important living and social skills.
Many of the individuals served by Renaissance House live independently in their own home or apartment with the support of Renaissance House staff. Services range from around-the-clock hygiene, medication and nutrition support to daily or weekly help with general household chores and finances.
Services provided by Renaissance House, Inc. are funded primarily by Home and Community Based Service Medicaid funds. Eligible clients receive funding through the Individual Options Waiver program. In addition, some clients receive funding from their local County Board of Developmental Disabilities’ Supported Living funds, while others rely on private pay arrangements. A majority of the individuals receive Home and Community Based Medicaid Waiver or Supported Living services funded all or in part by County Boards DD.
The operations of Renaissance House is governed by internal policies and procedures as well as external oversight. Internal policies and procedures are in place to monitor performance, evaluate effectiveness, promote and reduce risk. Examples of internal safeguards on staff include criminal background checks, Abuser Registry and Nurse Aid Registry checks, BMV screening, first aid and CPR training, emergency response, safety training and any additional safeguards deemed appropriate for continued employment. In addition, strict rules concerning individual health and safety, employment and staffing requirements, fire safety and maintenance are in place to assure the health and safety of our clients.
External safeguards include Provider Compliance Reviews from the Ohio Department of DD and Quality Assurance reviews by County Boards of DD.